Artwork Materials

Original Paintings

Original paintings are available in custom sizes and colors. Choose pieces from the collection or have custom pieces made specifically for your hospitality project.


Sculptures for lobbies and common areas can be custom made to fit large walls and serve as a focal piece. Request a custom-made design today.



Prints on canvas are available in multiple depths and on Masonite/Hardboard.

Available in:
Satin Canvas
Matte Canvas (Our standard canvas material)

3/4" Stretched Canvas - This option typically requires framing.
Masonite - Canvas is applied to Masonite for a durable finish.
1-½" Gallery Wrap- No frame required.


Acrylic prints are available in custom sizes and thickness.

Standoffs - Stainless steel mounting hardware on each corner.
French Cleat - Hanging hardware creates a floating appearance.
Floater Frame - The acrylic is mounted within a floater frame.


Metal prints are available in custom finishes (Gloss, Silver Gloss, Matte).

Standoffs - Stainless steel mounting hardware on each corner.
French Cleat - Hanging hardware creates a floating appearance.
Floater Frame - The metal is mounted within a floater frame.
Standard Frame - The metal is displayed in a standard frame.


Matte- Our standard paper for printing.
Gloss- An affordable budget-conscious paper.


Type II Commercial-grade wallcoverings.
Transparent window films are also available.
A topcoat for extra durability is recommended.

(Click here for Framing Options)

Custom Local Photography

Request on-location photography to capture the perfect images for your project.

Historical Research and Curation

Request on-location photography to capture the perfect images for your project.

Historical research of vintage local photography can be performed to find unique rarely-seen photos for your projects.
Curated pieces typically include public domain, licensed, and local resident's private collections.
Contact us today for a complimentary review of your project's potential for using historic photography.

Request a custom art package for your project today:
(713) 550-6656   •